Friday 18 November 2011

Seminar Week 7

Dear all,

Please remember to bring along a draft (3-4 copies) of one of your essays to the next seminar.
This does not have to be your final work. But it is a valuable opportunity to get your peers' feedback before handing in your essays.

Lucy & Matt

Applying for an extension of your essay deadline

Dear affiliate students,

Since there already have been inquiries regarding extending the deadlines for your essay assignments, please find the procedure you need to follow, if you would like to apply for an extension:

  1. Obtain a note from a professional (e.g. a doctor) explaining why you need an extension.
  2. Arrange an appointment with both of the affiliate demonstrators to discuss the possible extension.
  3. The affiliate demonstrators will then consider the legitimacy of needing an extension.
  4. If the affiliate demonstrators agree that an extension is warranted, the case will be taken to the affiliate tutor and the relevant course convenors.
  5. If all parties agree, an appropriate extension will be granted.

We also would like to remind you that extensions are rare, since your essay assignments are handled following the same guidelines as with any other written exams.

Please feel free to contact us with your questions.


Lucy & Matt

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Due Dates Essays - Fall Term Affiliates Only

Dear Affiliate Students,

Here, we outline how you are going to submit your essays in all of the psychology classes, so please read the information carefully.

All essays are to be submitted electronically to
When you send your email, please write course number and course title in the subject line of your email, so that we can forward your essays to the course convenor.
Essays should be attached to your email as .pdf or .doc. Please name the document using your UCL ID (e.g., ID_essay1.pdf and ID_essay2.pdf). Missing to attach your essay will result in penalties for late submission, so double check before sending your emails.

The deadline for your first essay is Friday 02/12/2011 at 5pm.
The deadline for your second essay is Friday 16/12/2011 at 5pm.

Penalties for late submission:
For every 24h you choose to submit your essay late, 5% will be taken off your mark.
Any essay that is submitted 7days late will no longer be marked and thus result in your final mark for this essay being 0%.

Word-count penalties:
There is a 10% discrepancy for word-counts (i.e. a 2000 word essay can be 1800-2200 words).
If you fail to adhere to the correct word-count, 5% will be taken off your mark.

If you have any questions, please email Matt or Lucy.

Matt & Lucy

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Mid-Term Social Event

Hello everybody,

Reading Week is almost upon us. Before you get ready to read a lot
(I suppose the only thing most of us will be reading are guidebooks...),
how about having a quick get-together and share a pint or two?

Where: ULU Bar
When: Thursday (11/03)
Meeting: 6pm Entrance Hall Psychology Building

Hope to see many of you,

Matt & Lucy